January 24, 2017 (original) – Updated April 15, 2020
The Eagle Crest Handicap Committee is responsible for all aspects of the USGA Handicap System. Our Committee includes a Handicap Chair who has been certified by the Oregon Golf Association. We are obligated and committed to ensure the integrity of each Handicap Index we issue. In the interest of fairness, and because we are compelled by our license with the OGA / USGA, we will provide education as well as uphold the rules of the Handicap System. While this sounds very serious, these regulations are required so our club can assure equity in our games. More equity equals more fun!
Our Committee is: Joe Perry (chair), Reed Sloss
The Handicap Committee has set forth the following policies and procedures for all members carrying USGA Handicap Indexes:
· Each player will try to make the best score at every hole in every round, regardless of where the round is played.
· All acceptable rounds must be posted for peer review, including 9-hole scores.
· All scores must be posted within 3 days.
· Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) must be applied to all scores for posting purposes – under new World Golf Handicap System rules, golfers are only allowed to take a “Net Double-Bogey” on all holes for posting.
· The principles of the Rules of Golf must be followed.
All acceptable scores must be posted
using the following method(s):
· NOTE: For all EC Men’s Golf rounds, all scores will be posted by the tournament directors via the software used to setup each round (i.e. Golf Genius).
· Posting on your smartphone using the GHIN app, home computer or computer at our golf courses
· Posting computer at any golf course when playing away
Random audits will be performed.
Report any posting errors to Reed Sloss, 541-788-8611 or rjsloss5@bendcable.com for correction.
The Tournament Committee has determined that certain events will be posted as Tournament Scores. These events are identified on the yearly Men’s and Ladies Club schedules and/or clearly noted for each event.
Preferred Lies / Winter Rules and Adverse Course Conditions: The use of Preferred Lies is not an acceptable practice during the posting season (currently March 1 thru November 30th in Oregon). Play the ball as it lies.
Disciplinary Actions for failure to post or player manipulating their Handicap Index:
1. First failure to post or manipulation of your score will result in a verbal warning.
2. Second failure will result in a written warning
3. Third failure will result in the posting of a round equal to the lowest differential in your score history.
4. After your fourth failure to post your score or continued manipulation of your scores, further disciplinary action will be taken as the Handicap Chair / Committee deems fair and equitable.
A player must earn a Handicap Index. No player has an inherent right to a Handicap Index without providing full evidence of ability to our club’s Handicap Committee. The Committee has the ultimate authority and obligation to adjust or withdraw a Handicap Index if it deems it necessary to do so.
OGA Season Dates, Handicap Revisions, Active / Inactive Season:
· Under the new World Golf Handicap system
· OGA active handicapping season begins March 1st. Last day to post a score is November 30th. Last official Handicap Index update of the season is December 1st.
· No local scores can be posted during the off-season, which is December 1st through the last day of February. Rounds played in sun-belt states must be posted in a timely fashion.
Please do not hesitate to direct any questions or concerns to Joe Perry, 541-548-3541, jandmperry@bendcable.com OR Reed Sloss, 541-788-8611, rjsloss5@bendcable.com. We encourage any and all member feedback.